Dear Blog,
Lately aku rase sgt depressed. Depressed and frustrated. Since balik kolej about 3 weeks ago, I can't even enjoying a free night so that I can study. I dreamt that this session is free-activity session. Not involving too much project and activities. But tak sampai seminggu dok sini pon dah banyak nak kene join. Being "Papa Unicorn"(which not very enjoying) and after that jadi AJK for JKPAI(Jawatankuasa Perkembangan Akademik Dan Intelektual). Ok la kalau jadi AJK tu. Tapi yang aku kureng senang tu kene jadi pengarah projek debat. Bukan kurang senang la, ish, susah nak explain.
But for sure I know myself. And I think that I can't take this position. Yeah, my self-esteem is quite low and I'm kinda anti-social. Well, sort of. Tak tau la, rase macam I'm not meant for this position. Aku ni bukan jenis yang pandai mengarah pon. Boleh diarah tapi tak sure boleh mengarah. Hehehe. Pelik kan.
And aku rase bende nih la yang paling banyak buat aku depressed. Aku rase cam low sangat. Kawan aku pon cakap die pon still doubt that I can do well in this position. Ntah la, rase cam die ckp tu mmg betul. Nak wat camne, bende betul kene la terima. Dah tu yang bentuk diri kite.
Sebenarnye baru je abis meeting dengan pengurusan kolej pasal bende debat nih. And ape yang aku fikirkan betul terjadi. Projek nih dlm KIV(Keep In View) or pending status for peruntukan budget and Master approval. Tak tau la. Time meeting tadi mmg aku dapat rase orang sume pandang aku. And the look is like memperkecilkan kredebiliti aku as a director. Bukan orang kat dalam board room tu je. Aku rase sume orang kat kolej nih camtu. Cam diorang tak caye aku bleh buat bende nih. Well, nak buat camne. Maybe diorang shock kot tetibe je name aku naik padahal before this tak ramai pon kenal aku.
Tak tau la camne nak buat lagi. Master suruh betulkan balik and think other solutions. But now in my mind I have nothing to think to. There's so much thing I wanna do than thinking the solutions. Esok boleh hantar buku kat library balik. Pastu boleh balik rumah. Tengok TV, main ngan Mokhsin, Orked ngan Monti (sayang, Kyo ngan Yuki dah mati kene langgar kereta). Takyah nak pening-pening fikir bende nih.
Sekarang nih it's up to Pengerusi JKPAI untuk fikirkan penyelesaiannya. As for me, aku dah malas dah. Kalo die still nak aku jd director, maybe aku akan terima (try something new and completly opposite dengan perwatakan aku). Hahaha. Insya-Allah kalau diberikan amanah, aku akan laksanakan dengan sebaik mungkin. Tapi buat mase nih, baik aku reconsider back.
Rase malas la nak involve dalam apape aktiviti lagi. Cukup la ngan bende nih je. Tu pon da buat aku kelam kabut. Tak dapat stay pon takpe. But hopefully dapat stay la. Malas la nak travel jauh2.
Ok la. There's loads more thing I want to say, but just simpan dalam ati je la. Bak kate Saipul, "aku tak percayakan sesape pon sekarang nih". In fact, aku tak pernah percayakan sesiapa pon. Bukan sekarang je, dari dulu lg aku tak pernah percayakan orang 100%. And aku tak rase aku akan percayakan orang sampai bila2. Even die kawan baik aku skalipon. But as every dark cloud supposedly has a silver lining. Harap ade hikmah disebaliknya.
[Review J-Dorama] Extremely Inappropriate!
4 weeks ago
Syamim! Miss ya..
Oh ya, this comment is long due, but then I still want to say something.
Perhaps ko sangat sibuk sekarang kan? But that's life. People who are intelligent never have a dull moment. Their brains need to be occupied. So were you. So, if I were you, I accept that position. Because, orang kata it is a new experience. Perhaps, people will like ignore you, looking down on you, but who cares? You kena marah balik those people! Want to please them? Do you REALLY want to please someone WHO DECIDED TO LOOK DOWN ON YOU? No way. Time for professional, we be professional.
And one thing, messing up is one of the methods for you to shape your life. Learn from mistakes, that is the essence of messing up. Kalau aku, I will start to plan altogether. Of course, prioritize your study.
And remember, TOUGH TIMES WILL LAST, BUT TOUGH PEOPLE WILL NOT. And you will be transformed into one of the TOUGH people. And I ensure you, that you will be grateful for that in the future.
Indeed, every cloud has a silver lining. And we move on, we will see more silver linings in line...
Ai- ka-ii.rmber me?ur senior
@4th clg n oso hve been ur pm.saje drop by to read ur not knowing u so well.juz knal mke je xslhkn membaca blog dan memberi coment.its an open blog.u can write everything,n so do xsangke plak2 papa unicorn a good papa nway.aha..the most reason yg buat sy tertarik nk coment is when u say its very hard to u to trust absolutely agree.but one thing..sumtimes sharing is happiness.simply say,how hard is to for someone to say to another how that person feels?it can be tough sometimes but doing so might change a lot of things.try is evident that people nowdays are afraid to express their
feelings into words.even a simple Thank You or Sorry is no more
easy to say.those words are always left unsaid.just imagine how
many unsaid emotions are out there,left alone and kept inside.erm..don get me just giving my opinion.thats all.tak salahkan.sharing is happiness...
Great work.
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