- Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi -

*(I show not your face but your heart's desire)*

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Little Update

Actually I have no mood to update. It’s been nearly a month. Seems that this month is the busiest month throughout my 3 years here.

Tutorials, tests, Physics Research Colloquium, final year project report… and most importantly final exam. It’s 2 weeks form now.

There’s many things that I wanted to say. Malam Anugerah Bestari, FESENI, choir, pop band and acoustics. Not to mention the bomb threat at Dewan Tunku Canselor (turns out that someone played a very stupid April Fool’s prank). I wanna post about that but other things come first. Besides I’m too lazy (yeah I know).

I have few pictures I want to share. But then again, the pictures are not with me. Maybe tomorrow I’ll transfer it from Saipul. I’ll post it later.

From now on, I can’t update this blog regularly. You know, this semester break I’m taking summer class. *pergh.. word ‘summer class’ tu takbleh blah… nak lawan bdak oversea gak… muahaha*.

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