- Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi -

*(I show not your face but your heart's desire)*

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The answer

Actually, I wanna make things clear.

Firstly, aku bukan nk kutuk JTK or ape. Not the entire organization. Just a few people je.
Secondly, jugak not to the entire organization, the F word is pointed to no one. (No one... Lu pikir la sendiri~)
And thirdly, the answer is here. (well, I think this is the answer/explaination)

Link tu adalah blog kawan aku. And die(egiboo_07) dengan beraninya melemparkan segala persoalan kepada wakil pihak yang berwajib(sya_ais). Time kasih apiz~

So, aku rase dah dapat dah explaination die.

And aku tanak komen apape. Especially part flow majlis. Kang aku bukak mulut kang.. ade la yg attack aku balik. Ckp aku pon ape kurangnye time handle project. Lg teruk ade la. Well my project last sem was disastrous to be honest. I admit it. It was my fault. Bak kate Azyan dlm buletin die "FM tu bukan pemimpin yg baik". I'm not a good leader. At least I learn something. But that doesn't stop people to say anything what they want. Rite? Telan je la...

So... marilah kite same2 tutup buku or conclude pasal topik nih. Next time kalo ade majlis2 kolej lg anjuran JTK same2 kite tunggu buletin2 yg akan dipostkan di friendster. Time tu bukak buku baru. Hehe~

*amik zip*
*zipkan mulut*
*kuncikan zip tu*
*buang kunci tu kat laut*
*musnahkan segala bahan bukti*

Puas ati sume?
Nk tibai ape lg?
Aku tanak komen.

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I have no comment.
(Gaya artis ckp kalo kene terjah ngan Melodi)

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