Dear Blog,
Today I'm gonna write rojak2. Hahaha... Dah malas la nk buat dlm Inggeris je... It's really tiring! But I just wanna tell you that I've began a new life now. Not that dah completely lupakan die, she's still in my heart. But I began to... hmm... camne nk cakap ek? Dah tak selalu ingat kat die lagi. Still ingat tapi tak selalu. Paham tak? Sori la... Tulis pukul 2 pagi nih memang kepala tengah mamai. Huhuhu. Dah tak tau nak fikir ape lg.
Oh yeah. Forgot to tell you. I've met someone. She's very nice to me. And I begin to like her! Hahaha... Tak tau la die fikir camne. But now I'm trying to get close to her. Weird. Never done this before. It's really awkward.
I've met her in one occasion. Occasion? Senang cerita pada suatu peristiwa. Cewah. At first macam takde apape. But then, tak tau camne, it was like I'm nice to her. Nice? Lebih kurang camtu la. And then after that kitorang macam rapat. Still sampai skarang.
I'm not expect bende nih too much. Just at the beginning ni hanya kawan rapat je kot. Not taking risk to hope too much. And I'm still learning to love someone. Kalau tak dapat pon just maybe takde rezeki. Tapi kalau ade peluang, I would like to take this relationship to another stage. Insya-Allah.
Tak tau what she's thinking about me. Maybe just kawan biase je kot or maybe else. Tak tau la. Tapi yang penting that I will try to get close to her, try to be nice to her and apape lagi la yang berkaitan. Tak dapat.. Takde rezeki la. Takpon cari lain. Hahaha.... senangnye ko cakap Shamim... Yang penting skarang ni pelajaran! And her. Hehehe~
Life is what you make it
It's all up to you
If you choose to make the best of it
Your every dream will come true
Hard work is not easy
But at the end it will pay off
So do what you want in life
Because you can and you will succeed!!!
[Review J-Dorama] Extremely Inappropriate!
4 weeks ago
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